Some pretty pictures taken over the past few days.
I hope that you enjoyed your festive season.
I am about to venture into the kitchen to prepare
some food for tonight.
We always stay up to welcome in the new year.
I got these from a charity shop.
I love my collection of stockings
gathered over the years.
Cherubs are another favourite thing..........
and angels.
Vintage Christmas deco's.
Especially the hand made.
and the glass.
Love 'em all really.
I ventured into the freezing garden earlier today
and noticed this dainty little beauty.
The water in the can is frozen solid.....Brrrrr.
Frost adds a lacy edge to the leaves.
I'm going to play dress-up tonight - I made
some special slippers to wear when I dance
around the house.
Until next time,
Hugs and brightest blessings,
Sandi xxxx