Thursday 6 November 2008

Meet Thomas ~

Meet Thomas, a pint sized bundle of fluffiness. He belongs to my future daughter-in-law and he is such a little cutie. He came on a visit yesterday evening and the instant his lead was removed proceeded to zoom around our living room without his paws ever coming into contact with the floor. His preferred route was along the backs of chairs, the sofa and occasional table. Had the curtains not been closed I was reliably informed that he would have been in the windowsill too, seeing off all would-be trespassers, not to mention innocent passers-by. He sped around in a blur of fur with barely a pause, eventually stopping and launching himself into mid-air and landing effortlessly onto the carpet. After extensive surveillance of his surroundings, negotiating the stairs and peering interestedly into the bedrooms he finally came to a tired stop.

He then settled very prettily on his mums lap.....
and peered down at the equally exhausted dog of the house who had been roped in on all this extra curricular activity.
Yup, Mr Dante was totally pooped too, couldn't take any more 'Thomas' action and slumped down into a weary stupor.
When our diminutive guest finally left with a wag of his tiny plume of a tail and a farewell bark at my husband we all sank down gratefully and drank restoring mugs of tea.
Mr Dante settled for a large bowl of water and retired for the night fit for nothing but a good long sleep.
Phew, I know exactly how he felt too.
Until next time,
Sandi x