Monday 8 June 2009

Roses and other flowers~

Beautiful roses scrambling and rambling through one of my Lilac trees.
They look so pretty and once the Lilacs are finished flowering add a welcome touch of colour against the dark green leaves.
I love the way that nature does her own thing without any intervention on our part.
Oh yes, I found these tiny Alpine strawberries nestling in the undergrowth. I ate them too after taking this picture. They were so sweet and fresh and bursting with flavour.
Rambling roses underneath my kitchen window - I love the colour of these.
I wish I could send you the the scent of these beauties. Mock orange blossom flowers or Philadelphus......delightful.
Stately and majestic, self - sown Foxgloves everywhere.
Last but not least, lettuce and carrot seeds protected from predators with bright pink net. It's working a treat so far and there are loads of tiny seedlings popping up.
I love this time of year in the garden.
Hope you are enjoying the delights that Mother Nature is providing.
Until next time,
Sandi x