Monday 29 June 2009

Details ~

For me to be comfortable in my home I need (what I believe to be beautiful) things around me.
I can't do minimalism, I need details.
If a room needs decorating and that applies to most rooms in my home then little details catch the eye and lessen the impact of the imperfect walls and the worn carpet until the time is right to change them.
I cleaned our living room big time at the weekend and put lots of bric-a-brac into storage, looked at the cleared surfaces and immediately started adding new details.
The fireplace which can be opened up to use as a real fire is original to the house and is less than lovely with an unused gas fire in the grate but at the moment we have to live with it so I've added one or two pretty touches.
I have a dresser in one alcove which used to be orange pine, I painted it a couple of years ago and added lots of vintage china and I love it now.
I gave the mirror a lick of paint too, same colour as the dresser.
The lamp reflected in the mirror also had the same treatment and a 'new' charity shop lampshade. I added some details to that to make it more 'me'.
This is a detail of the top of an occasional table which a few days ago was plain brown.
It cost the grand sum of 50 pence at an auction. I painted, gilded and shabbied it and the decorations on the top are antique hand painted place mats. They are protected from damage underneath the glass top and look really effective.
Most of my china is vintage and bought from either charity shops, auctions or antique centres.
The green tray is wooden and has been beautifully hand painted with birds and blossoms.
A couple of old lids are displayed in some foil cake cases which I decorated with crepe paper and lace - I can't bear to throw anything away:)
Stacks of tea plates and cups of all shapes and patterns, mostly featuring flowers though!
Calorie free hand knitted fairy cakes add a nice touch......
Crochet, patchwork and a vintage sari tablecloth..........
My corner of the living room.......
....and a detail of the lampshade. The fringe had been removed and left a very untidy edge so I plaited lots of fine tulle and glued it all round and added some vintage leaves, a flower and pinned on the bug brooch. Around the other side is a pretty rose so I can just turn it for a different look.
I don't believe that you need lots of money to make a home look beautiful.
Until next time - I have more painting to do and I'm attempting to make a pair of curtains out of some old white sheets.
Bye for now,
Sandi x