Thursday, 27 December 2007

Blowing Away Cobwebs

Well here's a first. A (much too close up for comfort) snapshot of yours truly quaffing a large glass of Bailey's. I must be feeling reasonably relaxed to actually put this photo on, but what the heck. It will be a reminder of a really enjoyable Christmas Day. It is nice to put a face to a name anyway. I hope you all enjoyed your festivities too. As usual, we did plenty of drinking, not all of it alcoholic mind, I do love my cups of tea.....

a reasonable amount of lazing around..........
and a lot of eating. The sherry trifle was particularly enjoyed by all. So after all this excess there is only one thing to do.

Go for a long walk to blow away the cobwebs. This is a beautiful area called The Long Mynd in Shropshire. It certainly did the trick, it was extremely windy up there in the hills.

Good gracious, another picture of me in the same post. What is my world coming to!!!! Despite being well and truly wrapped up I was still rather cold.

Still, it was worth it. Enjoy the rest of the photo's.

Bye for now,
Sandi x