Saturday 6 September 2008

A Rainstorm and a Glass of Wine

Today we took Dante for a walk in the lovely,warm sunshine.

Unfortunately on our way back the sky went black and the rain came lashing down.
Oh dear, we got well and truly soaked to the skin but by the time we arrived back home felt quite refreshed. A glass of wine helped us to recover from our unscheduled shower and rain water is said to be good for the hair!
Ah well, such is our English climate.
If we let inclement weather keep us from doing things then we would rarely step out of the door. Anyway, at least it gives us something to talk about.
The photo's are of a few things in my craftroom. I love the old crystals and lustres and am always on the lookout for more of them. They look so pretty hanging in the window. I'm mad about candles too - the more the better. The play tiaras were in the loft where I went rummaging around looking for some dollshouse stuff that I have mislaid. I found all lots of forgotten things but not the stuff I was looking for - typical!
Until next time,
Sandi x